Tuesday 7 February 2012


As soon a Paul came in today I had to tell him my tale of woe... "So I took my phone into the loo this morning, read txt messages while I was having a poo, stood up, washed my hands and can't find my phone now. Is it in my bum-bag? Is it in my pickets? Is it on the side in the bathroom? No, so I was beginning to think I must have dropped it down the loo then flushed". So he phoned it and we could sort of half hear it so we knew it wasn't down the loo. But where was it. After much looking he had a brainwave, said "Stand up" and there on my 'chair, beneath my legs was my phone? How did it get there, no idea. I must have set it down on my chair, wiped my bum, stood up, washed my hands and then sat down without removing it

At least we found it in the end