Sunday 22 May 2016

Quote From Me

I was looking thru the hotels website for when we go to Belfast and on one page there is a quote about the accommodation that I kind of half recognised and at the end of the quote it sez "Neil", was it me that said "Accommodated our needs to book in early"

"New" Trainers

So today we retired my trainers as they are getting worn unevenly by my walking habits. We got out the others which we bought on the way to Ireland last year as Timmy had forgotten to pack my others. I only wore them in Ireland, when we came back I started using my regular ones again. So these ones have been sat on top of my wardrobe for months, we took them down today, Timmy fitted the FES device and my new pink laces.


Then we nipped down to Savers to get some sink unblocker as the kitchen sink is just starting to empty slowly
Just starting but that is the best time to deal with it and not require and proffesional help 


So s'morning we had to nip to Kwik-Fit through the rain, walk in there and say "The tyre light it coming on again", they said "Have a brew, we will check" came back 10 mins later and said "Yes, tack in tyre, fixing it" and because it is a Motability car just got us to sign and sent us on our way with a fixed car.
And it had stopped raining, was looking to blue sky by the time we left
Yes, the sky looked like this when I was in bed for my nap