Saturday 26 October 2013

Changing Time

So I need to change clocks tonight.

My PC - no automatically, my iPad - no automatically, my bedside clock - no automatically, so all I actually need to do is my wristwatch

Having just been into the bathroom I can increase my count of clocks that don't need resetting, my timer for toothbrushing says time most of the time and doesn't have a change time button

ReLearning More

And because I was talking to my brother and parents today I learned that I wasn't in 2 care homes b4 here I was in 3. I started off near Swansea, then I moved across to a brand new place where I shouldn't have been for long but they said "Potential, how has he been looked after?" and kept me there for longer, then finally to the place that I have most memory of.
Once he told me looking at pics of the second place does bring back some memories but I have no recollection of being in the first place


So my parents (and bruv) came up before lunchtime, we nipped to the market and didn't spend too much of parents cash. Then they went off and had lunch and me and Ed came back here, had lunch then I did the bath/nap ritual. After I woke up they came back, ate some apple tart, then we went off and had a delicious dinner(1) at the pub up the street
(1) I had a nut roast which I used to be able to make but I haven't eaten one for 11 years and I can't even recall how to make it but it was lovely, with goats cheese on top too
They have gone now and are gonna come back in't morning and head off to Bristol at lunchtime and take a plane home
And they have been here because I won!!!


‎I won(/

written on my BlackBerry 10 smartphone