Tuesday 14 April 2015

Show It To The Nurse

They Arrived

And eventually my pin up thingies arrived. I bought them on Amazon, contacted the seller last week and said "Where r they?" and he said "They are coming from China" which I kind of object to on the grounds of support local businesses but I have done it. They arrived and I am relatively pleased with them but surely a Welsh carpenter could have made them for roughly the same cost


So we headed to gym about lunchtime and had a good session on various weight machines, the pedalling machine, and the rowing machine. This last one is still a novelty to me but I can use it now

Urgent Pooh

So I got up s'morning, walked into the kitchen, took my medicine, took 2 steps towards the breakfast area then thought "Hang on...", turned around and then went to loo and had a 'pre breakfast pooh' which is reasonably unusual, usually my routine is breakfast, pooh, get on with the day.....