Tuesday 21 June 2011


Then later that Freya came over to see me again. It went well with her today, she was very pleasant. As we hadn't cooked with Sarah this week we had leftovers from the freezer with an extra cheese sauce made and added as we both thought it was too dry before. Both of us said that it was nicer than last time even without the extra sauce so who knows.....


So Sarah the OT came here today and instead of cooking she took me out to the garden center to look for Trugs to buy. They didn't have any in stock but we came back and looked online at them, I said "No ta, much to expensive" and Sarah said "It's OK, he is buying it for you"


So I went to sleep last night without putting my extra night time splint on my right arm. Dunno, it still seems as good as..... s'morning, I suspect that when they are reassessing my foot splint I shall enquire about this too