Friday 8 April 2011


And because I had eaten a big lunch I needed a small dinner so it was actually to my benefit as I had far too much salad in bags to last me 'til Monday so for dinner tonight I just had a big salad.


And I started scanning a book for the next door neighbour last night, scanned 39 pages then it died, wouldn't print or scan in the end. So I went online 3 or 4 times and in the end bought a printer/scanner from PC world, then I had a phone conversation with someone who sold me sum inks, which cost nearly as much as the printer

Out To Lunch

And a MOS came and saw me s'morning and said "We are taking "him" shopping in Carmarthen, wanna come wander about while we shop then have lunch?" I said yes, had a thoroughly enjoyable wander with a woman, bought summat in a Charity Shop, went had a lovely lunch, went and bought an enormous bottle of chille sause for a quid then came back.

And after visiting town for so long I didn't need a pee even when we came back

Later In The Morning

Ooh, feels strange. Yes, I went to my new workplace yesterday and I felt so rough afterwards that I didn't go to Tai Chi but by next week I have "someone" with me 4 days and a couple of nights. This sitting on my arse all day every day seems to be at an end. Which is obviously good but scary


'Ello there, calmer day.......