Saturday, 1 August 2015


Right, after she forgot to go to Iechyd Da on Thursday Freya is coming here for dinner. Dunno what we are eating (or in or out) I will have to ask her when she gets here.
Well, after we pick her up
Oh that was nice. So we came back here and discussed choices in the end we said "Oh back to Frankie and Bennies" where I had a crushed pizza of summat I hadn't tried before and it was pretty lovely
So Freya has gone home after about 5 hours and we haven't had a single cross word said either way
And for that 5 hours I didn't go to the loo, this is still getting better

Nip Morrisons

So we nipped to Morrisons to get more blueberries and I thought "May as well do most of weeks shopping, more small salad later in the week" but when we got home I notice that my small pack of half weeks veg is a double pack, another one zipped to the back so it might last a week anyway