Sunday 28 April 2013


And tonight I had the pleasure of Freya's company for about 4 hours. She is SO busy doing her 'O' levels that she was only on the PC asking for translation. It was cool, perhaps she is a bit better and wiser than she was a week ago or summat but it was nice

(from my phone)
And we were able to share my apple pie that my neighbours brought for me today. Gosh it was nice. There is only a small piece to share with Ed tomorrow

Scrambled Eggs, yesterday

And yesterday I microwaved some scrambled eggs like I generally do once a week. Yesterday before putting them into the microwaveable bowl I read some instructions and it said smear some butter or spray fat on first. Sheet, what a difference. Last weel I had to get clean washing cloths as he had to throw away 3 trying to clean the bowl, yesterday it just cleaned easily


Then on the way to the supermarket we called into Curry's to have a look at their SLR digicams. As of Andy's advice I could use them upside down which felt strange but wow generally


No Neil, you said you would be quiet.... "BUT it is such a great story from my POV"

Summer light

So I have just got up for another pee and didn't need to switch any lights on. It is a quarter to six

(from my phone)