Thursday 1 March 2018

The Wedding

Yesterday I printed out a copy on narrow paper, in big print etc of the piece I am reading at Sam's wedding in April. I have read it out each day as a practice as I will every day now, to practice and make it sink further into my head.
And I said to Timmy about trying on my suit etc and he said "Yes, but you only bought that when you were going back for your Mum's funeral, and you haven't lost too much weight since" and did say there is a sewing mender in Carmarthen if it needs changing

Fed Up

So I haven't put my right arm in the sling at all today and it is much less disabling like that. I can use my right hand some.
But I am still well fed up with it, I just wanna be better. Gonna be nearly another fortnight before I go back to the hospital and hopefully they will be able to give me my arm back


And we didn't go to gym s'afternoon because I was due to do one of the machines that I can't use ATM and as we had struggled to find machines I could use t'other day "we" decided not to go
It is Sam's class tomorrow, if the snow holds off

As Warm As A Very.....

Warm Thing?
Well I was a bit nervous as we headed off to Iechyd Da to pick up the veg, thinking "There is gonna be snow somewhere?" but we didn't see any. I didn't walk down to Iechyd Da as it is slippery and icy on the way there but apart from that it was a normal day. But next week we will have to make different arrangements
But at 10 past 10 tonight it had snowed to about 1cm depth out the front. Which is bugger all compared with the world around us but it loads locally