Thursday 6 January 2011


So I got well stuck into my new book today and while it is interesting she hasn't had the disaster yet but said that she loves that J*sus creep about three times on every page. Ho hum, I will try some more later and she if she starts talking more sensibly. As I believe it
Well yes, phew, she has now had her bleeding brain disaster and only mentions J*sus every dozen pages or so, gosh it is interesting. As of now she is much iller but if she got well enough to write a short book it is very impressive.


And I was looking again how to make my links in my BLOG underlined, eventually I found summat which was describing how to change the txt to "none" so I did what it suggested (a bit scary I don't usually get into code) but I did what it suggested except I changed "none" to "underline"
And I seem to have found out how to make my message filters work again, so phew for that too

Worn Off

Well, my gums, lips and teeth feel as good as normal now. Gosh I have been so busy, first of all with that Sam then trying to cook for dinner, which still isn't flipping ready, so I have just forgotten that I was in the dentists chair s'morning

Longer Term

And then WOW that Sam came too visit me. He brought Peter The Teddy back, he had been on holiday there for a few days, he brought me a book which he thought I might like, which I do BTW, he brought me a hat which they found in their clear out of moving..... just WOW


Now as I had deleted the thingy on here s'morning I only knew that the taxi was booked. I got in the taxi, he said "Where to?" I said "Dentist, Pond St" which I didn't have written down anywhere but I remembered. My short term memory is improving


And I went to the dentist s'morning, it didn't hurt but my mouth feels really strange until the anaesthetic wears off


So someone told me yesterday that I had a new COSHH report for here, and I recalled it must stand for Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health