Saturday 25 June 2011

Phone Call

Then Jackie phoned me. Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t. She has got the results of her scan back and very bad news. She won't be able to work here or with me. Dunno what she is gonna do, The Leonard Cheshire organisation are obliged to find her some employment but what? I think the dole beckons....


So today I had a visit from a Psychologist and Wendy^h^h^h^h^h Helen^h^h^h^h^h^ Denyse. The Psychologist, Claire (without pink hair), seemed to talk a lot of sense and made some useful suggestions for the future. She is coming back on her own to see me in 3 weeks


Well I woke up early s'morning and it was 7 by the time I had put on my boots and splint etc. Yes I am wearing my splint again, not that I think it makes a difference but they have said "Take care, ask advice" etc