Wednesday 22 November 2017

Habit Now

Well so today I am walking without my 'stick again, seems to be force of habit now

Where's The Car Key?

So we came out of gym today, I reached into my pocket and where was the car key? I use the same pocket every time, no wasn't there. So we went in out of the rain, I handed my bumbag to GGtGG who looked in every pocket. To no avail. I was just starting to panic when GGtGG opened the big bag that had contained everything when we were in the pool and started looking thru it. At the very end, at the very bottom of the bag he reached in and produced the car keys. Dunno how they got there but at least we were able to drive home

We Tried It

And even tho I won't need my FES on today we tried it on, with alternative wires etc and we couldn't make it work, Roy was right.
So hopefully the new wires will arrive while I am at pool or else they will arrive after we need to go shopping etc in't morning
No, phew, they arrived while we were in't pool, we got back, changed them over, tried on my FES and it worked!!!!!! So big phew about using it for shopping tomorrow


So we are off to the sw*mming po*l, to an Aqua Aerobics class again in a bit......
Hoo-fscking-ray..... but even tho it is such fun it is doing me loadsa good so I shouldn't complain too loudly, but......
And bother GGtGG has remembered his trunx today so it is a go.....
And wasn't it fun. But as she said aren't I getting better and better at doing various exercises