Monday 5 February 2018


Not that I suffer from OCD but  I was eventually able to finish a game today. Most of the other dates for games have 2 or 3 dots to celebrate finishing but the bottom left one here (and a few other earlier dates) have got no stars at all because it took me loads of attempts to actually finish it


So MM came in s'morning and saw my towels etc in the hall and said "Oh, are we swimming today?". I said "Yes, haven't you got your trunx with you?" hoping in the extreme but he said "Nah, they live in the back of my car, that used to be my job"
Well didn't it happen.  ¾ of an hour of jumping etc. And I did feel that I was better at standing on just my right foot and kicking with the left. And I hardly had to hold on to the side at all, my general balance is well better