Friday 18 November 2011

Terry Pratchett

So I am currently reading a Terry Pratchett novel on my Kindle. (How up to date am I?) Today's section involved a witch tatalking about witch duties. EG She has to cut an old woman's toenails. So my "witch" is coming here...... ...

Returned Tool

Then this afternoon Paul picked summat out of the floor on the back of my car, it was a strange tool, sort of like an ex-screw driver that someone had taken a grinder too. So we went back to the Vauxhall Garage who were working on the rear of my car a few days ago and gave it back. The chap said "Huge thanks, that would have cost loads to replace"


Gosh, what a day #27½. So firstly me and Paul went swimming, to the Leisure Centre. And for some reason I felt that it was doing me so much good that I could put up with it. Just WOW, my stretchability has improved more. Since swimming every time I have got out of my car I have just been able to move my right leg out by itself, without needing to grip it in my knee and pull it up over the bits, like such a big improvement.
And WOW too, at the end of my session I simply climbed out of the swimming pool via the ladder. On my second attempt but I haven't managed that for more than 8 years!!!
Then as we had lunch in town at the swimming pool we were in town at a loose end so I went to Morrison's and bought some of next weeks shopping, to make Monday lighter, then I went to Waverley Store's and bought the majority of this weeks shopping, but they had no Mushrooms. So we had to go to that place that got my heart beating, Aardvark Wholefood's, where I used to work. When we got there I parked my wheelchair outside, stood up and walked in, bought some mushrooms and left. What they must think...