Tuesday 30 July 2013

Failure At Games

Then s'evening Timmy said "Game of backgammon?" so we both got on the iPad device, he won the first game, I put it down to luck, he then said "Best of 3?" and promptly beat me at the second game too
(Grumble, grumble)

Right Handed

And as we fitted the new clip for my bath lifter yesterday,  today, the first time since it was fitted, I got out of the bath, approached the clip and had to use my right hand to attach the wire
I managed, no problem, and that is evidence of summat I have been thinking for ages but not able to say, my right hand is getting so much better....


Ahhhm,so it's back to proper business now....


So we nipped to Trysordy and did our bit for the community today.
We also had to ask them if there was a different slot available as I have now been doubly promoted at Gym, they said "Yes" so from next week I will be going there Thursday