Wednesday 5 December 2012


So we came in't pub tonight to enquire about Boxing Day meals and we got tied into a quiz

(sent from my phone)
And we didn't win tonight, but I did decide to not go there on Boxing Day


So today for the first time I took my new softer boots to gym and changed into then there. It felt really different, I didn't have the confidence to walk a long way on Monday (which seems to have improved slightly now, in my older boots) but I found with my new boots on I would just walk
And just generally people just make a point of saying how well I am getting on...


And Toby txted me s'morning and said "I left my CV's at yours last night" so on t'way to gym we will drop them off at his
Which we did

Juicy Muesli

And as recommended by the therapist I tried soaking my muesli in apple juice last night. This morning it was a lot bigger and easier to eat but I think juicy muesli is a bit disgusting so I will try it with milk tonight.
Paul(ine) had his breakfast with me and said that it looks really different, much easier to swallow. So hopefully muesli soaked in milk is a bit nicer.....