Wednesday 8 August 2012

My Right Hand

Then when the pasta was cooked I held the collander in my right hand, the saucepan in my left, held it over the sink and was able to pour from one to t'other, using my right hand!!!!

Strange Mind

So today I was trying to remember the radio stations I used to listen to. I remembered Radio 1 and the other was Radio..... small country. So I asked my driver "What do you call the small country between France and IIRC Spain?". He said Luxembourg and I recalled, "Radio Luxembourg"

How very strange is my mind??

(Posted to Ixion at 6.57PM)


Has been quiet, Ed trimmed my hair, I had a bath, then a nap, then Ed creamed my legs and put my boots back on then......


So s'morning me and Ed nipped to MoreReasonToShopAt.... (noisy-ish link) basically to buy some veg for tonight's dinner (with making pasta sauce) and tomorrow's dinner (I already own the Curry sauce) but also to get more Chilli Ketchup etc etc
And the dinner was lovely tonight, a mild chilli pasta sauce, stir fry veg and some pasta

I finally figured it out

And for the last 2 days I have, off and on, when sitting at my PC, looking for the reference I found before about how to start watching mid-video. In the end I found it, it was easy to do and made the whole "watching" experience much better. So I have carefully saved a link, in a number of places, so hopefully next time I will just be able to do it