Sunday 13 May 2018

Stressed Hand

So we went to Carmarthen tonight, parked on Llamas St, walked up past the old town hall and along King St. For the whole time my right hand was sitting at my side, where it should be.
Then we turned down the steep downhill at the end of King St., Little Water Street. My right hand went up in the air and stayed there until I had walked the five yards through the very steep uneven bit when it went back to my side


And I cooked some pasta for tea tonight which I haven't done for ages, I had kind of gone off it as I struggled using my knife at the same time as my fork to scrape it on, to eat, but nowadays that is straightforward again, so  I think I have changed my eating habits a bit
And I was sh*tting myself about carrying it to the sink to drain but it just worked, my own two feet with the pan in two hands


And I went across the road to ask the neighbour summat and she said "Come into my house and see" and I walked up the side and into her house. Lord but she works hard to keep it nice
And she did say that even from her not very close neighbour position she can tell how much better I am getting week after week. Like, she said, "I used to be in a wheelchair"

Bl**dy Sunday

So here it is, Sunday. MM is out the front cleaning the rest of the stones underfoot then he is gonna move small stones under the car as they have all moved away from the manhole and that is sticking up a bit so he needs to make it all level once more. I will take a pic once he moves his car away......