Saturday 15 April 2017


So tonight about 6 pm as arranged with us to be timed just as we were finishing dinner Aerwen from across the road knocked on the door and gave me 2 Knickerbocker Glories which she had just made. Just WOW etc, weren't they delicious. Lots of different kinds of fruit in there amongst the jelly, ice cream and a flake on top.
I think next time she see's me and says "How are you?" that I will reply "All the better for seeing you" more sincerely


And suddenly s'afternoon I have got a serious Diarrhoea. No warning, nowt unusual to eat just a bad case
Well I haven't been to the loo for a couple of hours now
And I have just done a fart loud enough that GGtGG commented on it, without fear of backsplash

Mended It

So yesterday the mended bit on the oven door came off. Me and MM thought "Oh dear" and bought some more glue, it will be delivered in a few days. Today GGtGG said to me "I am sure you bought a replacement", I looked everywhere and couldn't find it. He came back and went and looked in the cupboard with the tool box in it and found the replacement. We had to unscrew the holding bit then replace it. Simple and fixed for good now


And me and GGtGG are busy today. We will pass the tip and tip my old washing line, stop and fetch 4 bags of composted rubbish, one bag of proper soil then start thinking about filling the Trug back up.
Then we need to dig some holes and plant the plants Mum bought for me and plant the "for bees" flowers in the gap we have left for them
Then we needed to go back and buy more soil, I sold 2 bags of compost to GGtGG, we had the amounts all wrong


So I emailed the county council and said "Can I cancel my postal vote after next weeks election?" expecting them to say "Yes, contact...." but they just said "Yes" so apparently it is sorted