Thursday 7 April 2016


And just out of force of habit I tried a broadband speed test tonight and it isn't bad, not too slow downloading


And I went out by myself after dinner, walked to the greenhouse, watered it and stuck the labels that I made yesterday for the pots on. The tomatoes aren't coming up yet but everything else is growing along nicely

A Busy Day part 27

Well, so we headed into ToppsTiles and looked around. After 5 minutes the tiler chap arrived and we conversed etc for 10 mins. Then I bought 2 tiles to bring back here and compare colour against my kitchen.
So Timmy and he conversed, he got us a quote in writing, Timmy emailed Anthony's assistant and asked for the cash, soon hopefully it will be paid into my account, then we go and buy the tiles and bring them back. Then eventually the Tiler Chap will come and do them. So hopefully the whole kitchen/dining area will be tiled with do not slip on these tiles


So s'morning I asked GGTGG to put my FES on b4 Timmy arrived as as soon as they had finished talking we shot off to the gym where I did 10 mins on one machine, quarter of an hour on the next then 5 minutes on my least favourite. But I did it.
Then we nipped to Morrison's where I did the rest of my shopping.
Then we came back here, had late lunch then got in the bath and bed
Later on we are nipping out to meet the tiler chap who is doing the kitchen floor and chose some tiles etc