Thursday 24 May 2012


And I felt a bit strange getting so tired then napping late so didn't do much later. I am currently 91% of the way thru Harry Potter 5. Dumbledor has just died


Gosh, so after a bit of reading we set off for the gym. Today there was me and 2 stroke sufferers, gosh, I am better off than them.

Then we had to go to the doctors to pick up my 'script for asthma medicine.

As we were coming out of there Toby txted me and said "Lift to Kidwelly, please?" as he has made friends with them again.

Then I went to the Chemist and got my 'script made up

Then we drove to Toby's, picked him up and took him to Kidwelly

Then we went to Morrison's for more salad for my lunch for a few days

Then we came back here and I had a very late nap


So Ed came in s'morning and did my feet first thing. I feel a bit unsettled as the cash hasn't been paid into my bank yet and everything is......
It has now!!