Wednesday 27 October 2010


And I nearly plucked up the courage to pay for someone to cut my hair, but I was nearly crying at the thought of actually paying for summat when a woman who works here cut it. Before nagging me about the state of my flat, but we are all happy now


Well I spent some of my Mobility Allowance on a Taxi to Wilkinsons in Carmarthen where I bought the 2nd Halloween Mask I had chosen. The first, luckily I was wearing it to the till and it hurt my nose, so I had to go back and chose another
And I noticed later... on the price sticker of my mask it said £3.75. But on my debit card I only paid £1.74. So dunno, I don't s'pose I will be back so....


Well, I got up and into my 'chair this morning, resting day not. I woke up and thought "I hope my PC is fixed now, I had no emails yesterday". As I was getting my breakfast I was kind of thinking "WTF" but when I was using my PC there was proof, I must have been having a scary dream, I did get emails yesterday. Scary dream, who knows