Thursday 28 March 2013

Out To Play

And tonight we are going to a monthly folk club at Iechyd Da (noisy link) with Freya who we are picking up after Spanish Extra Lessons at school later
AND Toby who is over here for half a week met up with us too, he seemsd happy and well. He is staying with his Mum for a few days which is good too


Then Sara the Physio came round this morning. I phoned her because she was late and she said "Sorry, at SPAR shop, buying chocolate" so....

She did loadsa stretching as my right arm isn't moving as well as it was last week, probable because of my cough. Also she phoned Daceys and tried to get some more electrical attachments posted out to me because I haven't got enough to last 'til I am back there. There was a discussion because if she does phone them they might realise that I have had the Bioness for a number of weeks for free

Cough Almost Gone

And by today my cough has nearly entirely gone. Every now and again I kind of clear my throat/half cough and loadsa phlegm comes up and out of the way