Friday 1 April 2016

Wonky Camera

And I had to take any number of photo's of the walls etc to see that the camera wasn't making a hazy bit, like it had been doing earlier but I think these were caused by strange light rather than "summat wrong" with my camera


So today I am practicing walking in't house without holding on, just walking a bit. Lordy but it is getting easier and easier all the time
But if it is still getting easier and easier it must have been so difficult at the start of the process


Then l8r s'afternoon me and Alex popped out to check on our veg in the greenhouse. Just WOW etc, it has started
But when we were out we noticed that the cover of the trug had been blown off and it died rather. So GGtGG can get stuck into making summat tomorrow or we have to find one to buy


It has thrown me this going to the docs before gym thingy. It doesn't "feel" like a Friday. Although I couldn't tell u what the difference is.....


Right, he looked at my 'pits, asked me a few questions and didn't seem worried, he just gave me a different cream to apply daily
Then, after picking up my 'script we headed to gym, where I got in there about 7 minutes after the class had started. Lots of people cheered and said "He has made it". It went well anyway, a hectic morning
But I can't help noticing. EG in the standy up and  balance exercise I was able to balance for a bit on my right foot. Summat I couldn't do for about 15 years. Yes, it pisses me off big style all this exercise malarkey but it is doing me so much good, in subtle ways, but by fark am I getting better

To The Docs

And me and Alex have to head over to the Doctors to see about my rashy armpits which looked as if they were healing then came up all red spotty yesterday
My appt is half an hour before gym class, wonder how long I can string it out?