Saturday, 26 February 2011

Sloe Gin

I was just having a look on Amazon and unexpectedly I found some Sloe Gin. So waiting now..... And it's Organic too.



So I had been reading more short stories, as I couldn't cope with my 3 volume SF tale, but a few days ago another book arrived, one which had been recommended by IXION, a tale of the RAF flying miles to make the Falklands stay British and I am enjoying it a great deal, I think it is now "my current book"

Biggest, longest, walk in nearly 8 years

Now up 'til today the furthest that I had walked had been 2 up and down our street. Today I walked 3 times full length there and back
I am still a bit proud...

Fixed it

So on my webpage I had 2 photos next to each other, so when you scrolled down it looked like there was just one pic for ages. Then after much humming and hawing I was just about to buzz for help and say I don't suppose there is a web designer on the premises today, but in the last few minutes before I did that I discovered what I needed to do to move the picture upwards and it looks a bit more sensible now
So 'vspace="xxx"' was the new command that I have learnt about today