Tuesday 23 June 2015

Learn Every Day

So I said to Alex tonight "The eggs we have for tea have gone out of date, as my nose doesn't work can u smell them and say whether edible?". He said "No, see if they float, if they do they are edible".
Ooh, I didn't know that


Then today my phone cover broke in my pocket, so we went back to the O2 shop and asked for a new one. She said 'Receipt?' and I was a bit gobsmackered. I hadn't expected them to replace it for free so I was intending to actually pay for a newbie. So she offered me another one like had broken or another scarier model, which was more expensive but one wants quality

Out And About

So first thing me and Alex headed into town to buy some birfday cards for 2 relations, he said "Chair?" I said "No" because I thought the cards in Morrison's were next to the door. Instead he drove to Wilko's parked there and bought some tat for himself too. After we had walked almost to the back of the enormous shop and found some cards
Then on the way home he called unannounced into t'gym where I did loads of arm lifting exercises, still with no chair