Wednesday, 19 December 2012


And I have tried watching Blackadder as it was writen about as one of the funniest things and yes, it is very funny

The Good Life

And I am watching a rather excellent documentary about The Good Life and it is even funnier than I remember it from 20 years ago.
They said that "They" became famous about when Mrs Thatcher won the election for the first time, so Margo played a scary woman character


And I poured my milk with dinner with my right hand again. I didn't spill any tonight and poured a full glass. With my right hand


So most of the time when I walk my right knee hurts loads. Sometimes when I concentrate and bend my knee more or summat it doesn't hurt at all. It feels like I am walking less well but my knee disagrees. Dunno how to ensure that it doesn't hurt, practice I s'pose


Good lord, I was working very hard at gym and another couple of women said that they can see I'm loosing weight.
But that is the last Gym class until 2nd Jan, Wednesday week

Site Gone

And my website has been suspended as it hasn't been paid or summat and I can't get logged in to pay myself
Crisis, crisis, crisis
after many phone calls etc it is working again, so I had to pay it myself but phew, it works now