Wednesday 29 February 2012


And then we went out to Llanelli folk club where I had one alcoholic drink followed by a glass of water(1) followed by an orange juice and lemonade

(1) As this is the 3rd glass of water I have had today. Dunno, I need it they think


So later that TimMY came round and sat here doing strange reading of reports etc. Then Sarah the OT came in and we talked about loadsa stuff for us Brain Injured types then arranged to go to Cinema next week in Carmarthen.
Now I need a nap then we are going to Cinema to find out dates and times for next week


So t'other day I asked a MOMS for some assistance, then the next day I asked another one and between the 3 of us we couldn't find a way of making all links in a Blog open in a new window AND have an underline but this morning I have done it all by myself which will make my life a bit easier. I no longer have to type "target=_blank" to make links open in a new window or type "^u^ and ^/u^" either side of the txt to be underlined