Thursday 25 February 2016


And we went out tonight to Club Iechyd Da
And it was well busy (so just as well I insisted on being too early as we got a good seat) and just full of very talented players/singers. Very very impressive
We took my wheelchair which was pushed there, and was there so I could sit on it, I walked to the bar/loo and back to King St to the car afterwards


And as Denyse was here s'morning I asked her if I was doing right walking stickless. Unexpectedly (to me anyway) she said "No". Apparently as I am unsure etc my right leg stays much straighter etc. So I am looking better with my stick. For now

Washing Up

And after lunch today I did the washing up as we are going out to play at Caffi Iechyd Da tonight
OK, not play, spectate


Now because GGtGG is working a double today and tomorrow before Ed the hair cutter is working on Sat, he is gonna try cutting my hair so Ed can criticise him etc. As Ed is leaving next month so it may be GGtGG's duty so he can check it over.
BUT as I will be at the Drs for a jab tomorrow followed by my gym class etc we better do it today. So soon....

Off Topic

So Denyse is coming here today to do some OT work with me. (Off Topic, or Occupational Therapy) Dunno exactly what this implies, I will find out soon
And she was here talking just generally about how much better I am getting and how I need to start "getting a life" etc. And she also talked about what I can cook in case I had forgotten