Thursday 25 July 2013

Lunch With Freya

Then Freya contacted me and said "If you aren't coming out to play can I come to yours for lunch instead?" and we nipped down to Saundersfoot with Gareth who had brought some sandwiches in for his lunch today so he sat outside the chippy while we went in. It was rather nice tho.....


And I coughed up another load of Phlegm s'morning and it seems not to be "infected colour" (green) and it seems to be white once more

Gonna Cricket

And me and Gareth just made a phone call(*) to someone from Glamorgan Cricket Club and made a booking so on Sunday 25/08/13 so we will go to Swansea and watch a 40 over match
(*) He contacted them then I had to give my credit card details to get the ticket. He will be free as my carer but I have to pay