Friday 24 November 2017

Shock Horror

So I found myself going to drink "some beer" at boozing strength. It was empty when we passed 2 folk on the way out/in but then later more folk were drinking, so he didn't have to focus on.........

We're Off

And in a bit we are going to the only gym class that I attend in the week. Just lordy, how different this class is compared to one I started in a while ago
Double lordy. I am just better than I was last week etc
And today I took it upon myself to use the stretch backwards tool which is attached about 10 ft off the ground, so I held on and sat right down before pulling myself back up using my arms. (Kind of like this, sort of.)  It is not a machine I was s'posed to use but even Sam was impressed at how well I did it


Yes, Timmy has just been outside to move his car and he says it's freezing

No, Today It Is

No, today is Friday, now...... it's not Saturday, it going to gym class day