Friday 16 March 2012


And I tuned my geetar and was playing it tonight. Yes, I am still sh*t at it but a lot less sh*t than last time

Mouse Mat

And today during a discussion about using my right hand to work my 'puter someone said "You need a mouse mat that holds it up", someone else said "Look in the bottom drawer" so I now have a new mousemat sitting on the RHS of my keyboard which I use some of the time


And after such a hectic day that Freya came to see me, she seemed cheerful although I was too knackered to speak to her much

What a day #28

After lunch Sarah came back (I said "Perfect strangers, I haven't seen you for ages") and the chap from The Chair Manufacturers came round and demonstrated his less wheelchair but adaptable assistant seat which I am really impressed with. So I have asked someone to buy one for me (noisy link), when they have found the £2,500 they will do.

What a day #27

Gosh. So first thing Sara and Sarah came to assess my right shoulder and wrist etc. Firstly I had to get on the bed and lift the stick that lives next to the bed with both hands to practice moving my right shoulder. Then Sara(h) did loadsa stuff hurting my shoulder but it did help. She has made an appointment to come back and get stuck in again next week