Tuesday 15 August 2017


So when we got there she said Denyse has been on the phone telling me that you fell over at the weekend so what needs doing? She examined all my movements etc then said "Right, acupuncture for your neck, is that OK with you?" and proceeded to stick I think it was 14 needles into me, only one hurt and that was only tiny. While we did various exercises she did say that after next weeks check up class that I am doing so much so well that I can stop coming to see her every fortnight. At a guess it will be every 6 months - a year between classes!!!

Busy Morning

So first thing s'morning we popped down to the Drs to pick up a new script for Asthma Inhaler and I thought "Might as well..." and got another couple of  bottles of chesty scrub even tho we were only just into the last bottle.
So now I am resting for half an hour then we need to have an early lunch and pop off to Pil near Bridgend to see the beautiful physio/nurse lady and I can complain about my neck hurting since I fell over on Friday


And after yesterdays crisis on a day when  I have washing to do it looks a bit more promising

And the weather forecast person after the news today said it will rain tomorrow, when I have no more washing to do but will be sunny again on Thursday, when I do the next load


And I have just gone to bed with my armrest thingy on, for the first time since last Friday that I have felt well enough to