Thursday 23 February 2017


So Timmy (and the team)'s new cash card arrived, he phoned the cash manager and got the pin number for it so now he can pay for his own dinner at Iechyd Da eg. And all the rest. So petty cash has been split in two


Then after all the chaos we went to gym (Hooray) and I did another 7.5 mins walking upstairs at the slower pace which is much more effective. Then I went on the rowing machine and rowed for a kilometer and a half. It is noticeable how much fitter I am, I didn't need to stop and pant every few minutes like I had to 3 or 4 weeks ago


So we went to Iechyd Da to collect the veg, it hadn't been delivered. h*t. She phoned him, he said "Sh*t, I will be through Carmarthen s'afternoon, will drop it off then" so as long as it is all there or else we will have to nip to Morrison's in't morning too. But as we will be there s'evening for the Folk Night they will keep it until then
As we also had to nip to Morrisons after this catastrophe......


And it is really windy now, there is some storm with a name but apparently there will be up to a foot of snow in Scotland now, so a wee bit windy is lovely, in comparison