Saturday 30 April 2016


Then for dinner tonight I took a breath and tried to cut up (I failed, had to ask GGGtGG for chopping assistance) the Butternut Squash which I bought last week and was too intimidated to try.
But it was actually really nice roasted as main carbohydrate


And the tray that has been sitting in the kitchen is starting to look a bit more useful


Then s'afternoon we drove around town looking for a free parking space to no avail. So we headed into the pay&display bit at the end of King St. We parked there, walked to the other end of King St then turned around and walked back.
The only problem was that Gareth set my FES stickers as recommended by Sara t'other day which was fine for 200 yds then stopped working.  I sat on a bench, he investigated and found that as they weren't supported by my sockings in the new position they had simply fallen right off.


Then s'morning I did the first of my (as instructed by Sara) 3 times a day lunging exercises. Which involves putting my right leg forward, bending it about half way (which I can manage now) then bending my backwards left leg as far as possible, for about 5 seconds. Dunno, it is supposed to improve my flexibility and strength
Done a second now, while I was cooking dinner