Tuesday, 28 July 2015


And we nipped out to buy wrapping paper and a card for Freya. So now her extra pressie is wrapped etc and her main pressie should arrive here this week

Burning Bright

Then after lunch today we popped back to Tiger store. This time I had a plan, to buy Freya a bonus birthday present. Which proved relatively straightforward as it is a strange shop with lots of tat.
When we were there I also bought a sheep called Humbug (Baaa Humbug!) because when I was looking at him in the shop a passer by said "This is Wales, you gotta buy a sheep" so I did


So s'morning eventually we headed to gym for an exercise session. I did my exercises then got on the bike. I only did 10 of my 20 minutes and climbed off. MOS protested but then I walked out of the room and walked down the stairs to leave.