Tuesday 17 January 2017


Then MM said to me today "And there's that comedy club at The Lyric tonight", I said "I think today has been a bit full, I might give it a miss", he said "You have already bought tickets, they are hanging on the wall in't office"
Lordy, that was 95% empty but the few folk gathered at the front all enjoyed it. Including myself. At a guess there were about 40 folk there (max) but we did all laugh and clap
AND I have already bought tickets for  Tues 21st March too, so I hope that is fuller(1) and equally fun

(1) Hopefully King St will be open to traffic again, it was closed tonight so we had to park in the car park at the end and walk along

Hectic Day

So s'morning I have an appointment with my Dr about Diabetes, dunno what they are gonna make of it, it doesn't feel bad so hopefully.....
Then after an early lunch we have to drive miles to see The Physio around Cardiff somewhere to do even more fun
Well yes, s'mornings appt went well. After I had been in the waiting room for about 1 minute she called me, weighed me, took blood pressure etc and was very positive about the diabetes risk. AND she took reference and put me on the toenail cutter list, so some hospital will be in touch at some point to make an appointment to cut my toenails
Well the physio session with Sara was as exciting (and hard work) as usual