Monday 21 January 2013


And for some reason me and Paul contacted 'em yesterday and confirmed that it is on tonight so me and Ed are heading to Burry Port Folk Club tonight
And it was excellent if a bit exhausting


So that Toby chap is in Wolverhampton today, in that England place, he has moved
And I txted him "So job centre tomorrow?" and he replied "No, I am calling into shops and pubs tomorrow to try and find work"


And two parts of tonight's dinner fit together so strongly. Scrambled eggs and beans.
They just go together


And I am off to the doctors now to show him my mole, which apparently has changed colour and got bigger
And he examined it and said "No prob", looked at the small swelling on my leg and said "'Various' Vein" so it was a good result, being sent away with no bad news


I finished my lunch, sipped my coffee and it went down the wrong way. Ed heard me choking and came rushing in, he said I was red and my eye rolled up so he leaned me forward and I then started coughing.
Scary, I think I was unconscious for about a minute, I have no memory of him coming into room and fixing me, first thing I knew he was stood beside me asking "R U OK?"


And I went to the gym s'morning and worked even harder. Apparently too, someone else noticed how hard I was working