Monday, 6 December 2010


And we are going to "Headway" again tonight
And loads a point in going to there there was,mmm. I had a coffee and "some" mince pies, listened to them reading out the minutes from last time and that was it, lets go home
And I was talking to a MOS who took us last night, I said that by normal standards I am very ill but by the standards of 'here' I am very well. He agreed and called me a "Lucky bastrad" and said there was no reason or logic in it


Well, a taxi came and took me to the supermarket s'morning, I bought my weeks shopping and all went well. Then a different taxi took me home and dropped off my stuff and me. I opened the front door and took my stuff in. Then I realised, I had 4 carrier bags at the shop there are only 3 now. So I phoned the taxi company back and they said "Hang on, we will check....... Oh yes here it is, we will bring it to you ASAP". So here I am, still waiting....
And he brought it back, was most appologetic about it being between the chairs, he said "What's frozen, I will take it off you and nip to the shop and replace it" which was fine except I then then had to say "Nothing - it was in the other bag". But at least I got it all in the end and he grovelled a bit


So I woke up and got up an hour a quarter before my alarm clock went off this morning