Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Big Pee

And I noticed tonight, after I had been sat listening to music for ages, that when I eventually went for a pee that it took ages. Obviously summat is improving


And tonight they were excellent, playing a variety of new folks tunes


Then we went out to the Doctors, he gave me a fortnights supply of Antibiotics and another tube of cream for my feet, which he hjas now added as a repeat script
Then we nipped to Argos and bought a camp bed so if staff have to stay again they don't need to sleep on't floor


Then Denyse told me that Carolyn died s'morning. Dunno what to say....


Then Tim came in, followed by a knock on the door and it was Sam (my son) and his Girlyfriend Emma. We talked for a bit, he filled me in on some missing elements and agreed to write some notes for me.

Still Good

And I walked into kitchen then the bathroom again s'morning


Because my sister was rushed into hospital yesterday Ed came down to sleep on my living room floor last night, in case I was struggling