Saturday 26 August 2017

And remembered again

And I recalled to eat these again.....

Got An Appointment

And I received a medical appointment for next month through the post today. Dunno what they are checking, my FES probably


So we headed into town today, parked at the top of King St and called into 3 charity shops on the way along, popped down Jacksons Lane, past Caffi Iechyd Da, then turned right at the bottom and walked the rest of the way along Chapel St/Woods Row along to Little Water St which took us back up and we came out about 5 yds from the car
BUT most importantly we called into the Lyric Theatre to see what was on, and actually forked out oodles of cash for a ticket to see Andy Parsons, and as I have an "I'm A Cripple" card I got my MOS's ticket for free. I think it will be MM that night. I AM looking forward to it, I hope it is excellent 


So I was sitting outside before 10AM s'morning and it was so hot that I needed to take off my extra shirt and just leave myself with a t-shirt. It's warmer than it has been for roughly a fortnight