Wednesday 15 July 2015


And because the whole timetable is strange this week we went to gym instead of swimming. Again just good lord, I am so much better, fitter, stronger than I was even last week. Surely I will reach the end of this "Getting better" thingy, I hope not for a long time tho....

All Windows Again

Then the delivery chap came with the new window handle for the spare bedroom. So GGtGG got stuck in, "Ah, where's the screws?", erm...... turns out a different MoS had taken them off and put them in the toolbox in the kitchen, not to worry, it is all done

Muscle Memory

So I am walking in the house s'morning and it really impressed me, it is too early for the FES to be fitted and already my right foot is behaving itself - keeping flat
Lets hear it for muscle memory