Tuesday 2 October 2012


Then we went and fetched that Toby chap who came down for a bit, did some washing, ate his food then left with still damp clothes to put on and go to the pictures tonight

More Shopping

Then we nipped to More Reason To Shop At... to stock up some longer term food, eg the curry ingredients that I am gonna feed my parents next Monday etc

Email Crisis

So when I came back from gym I looked at my PC. No email had been recieved from Ixion since I went out s'morning. Puzzled I pressed "Get Mail", still nowt. I looked at www.ixion.org.uk and there was loads in there.
So I restarted my PC and switched back on Thunderbird and got 47 emails.
So phew, I wonder what the problem was?


Well me and Dicky went to gym and I am definitely the least ill person there ATM

Rain, rain, go away (or to Spain)

Good lord, while I was sitting eating my breakfast today suddenly it started raining so heavily, like chucking it down as hard as I have ever seen it. 5 minutes later the rain had finished but the drains still sounded so loud, even from indoors