Sunday, 20 May 2012


And this evening my 2 brothers came to visit me. Gosh I haven't seen them since I was much worse so that was a bit nice.
But since I got back the FTP server that is s'posed to up their photos to my website won't work, which has taken all my energy so not even saying much about seeing them

Hanging About

So me and Ed are hanging out together now. A bit bored but I am gonna see my 2 brothers in a couple of hours when they get here. My father just txted me and said "Dropped 'em at the airport"
It was David who found this place so I could move out of rehabilitation, now I am at the next stage being well enuf to move out altogether into my home


And my back didn't hurt at all last night. So really dunno what's going on....
And it didn't hurt when I got into bed for my nap either, lying on my back and over on my LHS - not hurt