Sunday 11 December 2016

Seems Like Weeks Ago

Was it really just s'morning when me and my bruv and GGtGG went out for a walk along King St?
In my head it feels like ages ago.....


Aha, so after the difficulties last week I decided to try again, no looking for buttons etc, it just worked and putting it alive on webspace just worked too

Said tara

So we all headed into town s'morning, walked from one end of King St to the other and went into a Café and David insisted on buying us a coffee and a bun.
Then we walked back along the length of King St then took him to the railway station where he said we weren't allowed to come in and wave so we said tara and he got on a train back to Bristol where he will catch a flight back to Belfast Aldergrove Airport

Google Maps

Then today I did a quick Google Maps to check out where we are going with the kids and family next weekend and here it is (Excited already)


And a couple of days ago when MM was working I said to him "But the alarm has gone quiet on my phone?", he looked at it and said "Do this" which I did but then realised why I had switched it to quiet as it was buzzing every time I pressed a button. He looked and then said "Do this, goto the last item on the list which says 'Extra functions' then switch that off" and now the alarm is properly volumed and I can press buttons without "Click"