Thursday 2 January 2014


And Freya came tonight and was in good form. She was in the chatting to and cooking with Daddy mode and we made dinner together, played a few games(1) etc and neither of us touched my PC when she was here
(1) Including that "Look at pictures of animals poo" game which I won

Drink Wine At Home


And Paul told me s'morning that he went home from here with a long face t'other day. His missus said "Whassa matter?", he said "Upset 'cos of what Neil bought me", she said "What?", he said "A Mr Man book", she said "Which one?", he said "Mr Small" and she laughed
For 20 minutes she laughed

Blue Badge

So Paul phoned the council to see where my blue badge is. After much handing from one person to another he finally spoke to someone who knew what was going on. They said "But this picture, he's wearing an eye patch? Is it permanent, does he wear it all the time?" Paul said "Yes, double vision", they said "OK, we will send it to you then, wait 5 days or so"


So s'morning I was talking...

Calciyummy. (noisy advert) Don't know where my memory came from....