Wednesday 22 February 2012

And He Told Me

And on the way home from the pub tonight we had a strange conversation in't car about stuff I have forgotten in the last ten years or so. There was one that is timewise what I should remember but obviously for me to remember it at all was just NOOOOOO.....


So tonight we went out to Stag & Pheasant pub in town where I was drinking strange cloudy cider which I actually rather enjoyed


And Mum and Dad and my Big Sis and Denyse were all at a meeting with my barrister today, I have heard
"Omg the things we do 4 u meetin just over loads of things discussed but most important how much better u are and how that means that u need more money 4 ur own place & ur support workers so some of the experts have 2 write some more reports so guess wot no settlement as yet!! But things are definitely moving on so sorry I have no definite news but it was all very positive xx"

Sleep research

And in a story on't BBC today it talks about how this big sleep thing may well be a myth which I had thought for some time


Then Sarah the OT came round. Spent ages talking about me being bored etc then we got stuck in and made some pancakes, even if we were a day too late.
They were delicious with caramel toffee and some lemon juice that Sarah brought with her, even if they were a day too late

Sleep Is For The Weak

Strange night, I didn't have time for a nap yesterday and I woke up sitting in my chair about midnight, went to bed and didn't sleep a lot after that. Ho hum.

So TimMY came round this morning, commented on how grumpy I looked but.....