Monday 4 October 2010


So I had a shower and didn't bother putting on my shoes afterwards. But good lord, my right foot feels all wrong, I think it needs the splint footwear to feel right, very odd
And just as I finished typing this the 'puter offered me an advert for shoes, which may have been in bad taste AFAIC

Out For Dinner

And we went out for dinner to their hotel tonight. We put my wheelchair in the boot but it stayed there, I walked from the car, across a bit, in through the door then thru the hotel to the dining room. When I sat down I was having a dinner which involved cutting with my right hand too


My Dad and Sister txtd me to say "See you later" I said "Why?" they said there was an eye Dr coming to see me tomorrow. I knew that, dunno why they felt the need to be here
I do now, this person isn't coming here to see me tomorrow they have got to take me to the hospital to see him tomorrow evening


Well I went shopping in my wheelchair today as I'm resting. I don't know it I could cope with the shop on my feet, nowhere to sit and rest etc. Dunno, perhaps