Tuesday 8 February 2011


What a knackering day. Firstly Denyse came round to chat for a bit then watch me shower. Which was very strange, speaking to a woman on the other side of the room while washing my bits etc, but we both managed. Phew. Then a new lady called Sarah came to see me. I think I was sort of interviewing her as my new Off Topic (or Occupational Therapist or summat they call themselves). I think it went reasonable well, she seems to share my twisted sense of humour and just generally comes from 'the right direction'. When they were leaving she said "See you later", I said "Alligator" then she replied "After a while crocodile". EG

Then just after they left Freya came to see me for her weekly visit but I felt too exhausted to properly do owt


So I got a letter said DVLA on the envelope s'morning. I gulped and opened it. It said "Come and be vision tested with this optician" so next Monday I have to phone them and make an appointment, then after my appointment fill in the form that was in the envelope and send it back to them