Monday 11 April 2016


So tomorrow Alex the handy chap is back here so he will put back together the greenhouse and protect it with extra tape etc so hopefully this time we can plant, grow and actually get some veg in the end


And my armpits seem so much better. The left is almost completely better and the right is perhaps 90% better, so hopefully in a couple of days they will both be mended

Walkies, more

Today I made lunch etc, sat down to eat it, then thought "Aargh, no salad creme", stood up, walked to the fridge with no walking stick, got it out and walked back


And Timmy said "Cheque your bank account" s'morning as Anthony has paid into petty cash the cash for the floor tiles for the kitchen/dining area. We are not gonna buy then 'til after Thursday when Denyse is here for the team meeting and can check it all out etc. So at a guess Thursday afternoon "we" will be back at the tile shop buying....


So today I think I will be seen as healthy enough to nip into the swimming pool for a couple of lengths etc.
In order to lessen chances of infection etc I have got a new Woggle
And we did it, did various exercises (which I am much better at already) and 6 lengths. And I had been thinking that Timmy better clean the Woggle in the shower in the staff room but it occurred to my while we were under the showers at t'pool to just get it under there and wash it with Neil's decongestant soap stuff
And the Woggle name stayed on, I don't need to find a better pen and renew it